AU: 3.0
Programme: BS

This course introduces several major concepts and themes in Biology, such as genetics, evolution,immunology, through the dissection of selected works of science fiction in popular media. It is especially beneficial to students who have no prior background in the field of biology, and may be intimidated by too many technical terms in regular biology course work. Concepts are better understood through critical analysis of science fiction plot in comparison to actual biology.


One of the more interesting electives I have taken. Lessons involve watching of movies like spiderman and then identifying some wrong biology concepts used in the movies. Exam is single answer mcq and is easy to score, test on some basic knowledge of biology and some details of the movies screened during lessons. Will definitely be helpful if you have basic biology knowledge.

The grading system is 100% on final exam. Both me and my friend got A for the module. Personally, I find the exam easier than forensic science. The bell curve is likely to be steep, but it will be all the same for other STS-PE electives like astro, forensic science and impact of chem on society. At least for this module, lessons are enjoyable.

This module is about analysing the biological content in sci-fi films. In my opinion, it is a very interesting module, especially if you are a hardcore sci-fi lover and wants to get insights about the scientific validity in films. This module helps to strengthen biological knowledge through content featured in films, and also the inaccuracies presented that you may not have even considered when you watch the films. It will be beneficial if you have biology background, but not necessary provided enough effort was put in.

Lectures consist of film screening and a lecture. Some films are shown in whole, whereas some are shown in excerpts. Examples of films are Jurassic Park, Outbreak, etc. Format of E-learning is the same.

Readings will consist only of lecture notes, so it isn't a heavy module.

There is no mid-terms, all of the grade is based on your finals, which are completely MCQs. On the good side, not much memorising needed. Understanding is more important, and there are Past-Year Papers that you can refer to to know more about how you will be tested. On the down side, the bell-curve will be steep, so you need to be careful of carelessness.

For the finals, the MCQs will consist of both single answers and multiple answers questions