AU: 3.0
Programme: BS

1. Genomics: high throughput DNA sequencing technology, expression profiling, epigenomics, and application to cancer research. 2. Biological mass spectrometry: ionization method and instrumentation. 3. Food analysis: extraction and analysis of trace contaminants in food. 4. Proteomics: large-scale protein identification and quantification, characterization of posttranslational modifications, and protein sequence database search informatics. 5. Biomarkers and clinical applications..


ectures: 75% recorded, due to occasional technical glitch. though the notes come with summary, they are rather bare, so you don't want to miss any lecture. madly copying down what comes out of prof's mouth during lecture. often need to copy friend's notes.
attention requirement: high. dun miss any lecture. Read the summaries.
tutorials: are not recorded. giving answers to the assignments/so you may know how suckily you did for the last assignment.
assignments: weekly assignments requiring technical calculations. submited online. around 6 graded assignments worth 30% of grades. he takes the best few assignments to add to the grades, so don't worry if you suck at one or two. you have to have a grasp of the technicalities, so reading through the lecture notes before doing the tutorial is required. one saving grace for us maths phobics is that most calculations can be left to online calculators, often provided in the notes or google them. spend many hours arguing with your friends over which value to use and which option on the calculator to choose. do in groups. can try your luck and ask prof on how to do, but give many days grace, he doesn't take last minutes questions

exam format: our year was single choice MCQ, 70% of grades, which is godsend.
pre exam craze: you have to have gone for every lecture and done every assignment diligently. so you can know what to study and what to ignore. a godsend is the summary of the notes. memory requirement is low as you can spot questions from past year papers. prof gives extensive tips during the last session. some lectures are more important than others.

technical but manageable. don't worry.