AU: 3.0
Programme: NTC

Entrepreneurs are the creators and builders of new ventures that not only fulfill their own dreams, bring them huge fortune but also make a strong impact on the society and improve the lives of people. A successful venture will lead to new or improved products/services, create new jobs and add values for owners, investors and the society. Starting up a venture is not difficult if you know how although a successful venture requires more than knowledge on entrepreneurship. This course is an exploration into the fundamentals of entrepreneurship. Upon successful completion of the course, you would have a good understanding of entrepreneurship; the issues encountered on the entrepreneurial journey; and most importantly, how you can become an entrepreneur yourself. Specifically, the course covers aspects of accounting and finance essential for entrepreneurial venture, basic concepts on commercialization of technology, management of intellectual property and entry and exit strategies. Please refer to for detailed course schedule and information.


This elective is quite fun. If you think you have what it takes, go for it. By that I mean you should have creativity, a flair for report writing and presentation.

Like its name suggests, it introduces concepts of entrepreneurship, and gives insights on how businesses are run, how to create a business proposal etc.

Last sem, we had 4 sessions of e-learning (no physical classes), with an MCQ quiz (easy) to complete when we met for class, as well as 4 full day of classes (9am-4pm). 3 of the classes will be held during recess week. Your group will present your project during the last lesson during recess week and the report is due the week after. BIG PRO: You are done with this 3AU elective after recess week. Perhaps it is because of the content of the course, but close to half of my class was made up of people from NBS.

I would recommend this module to people who do not have a lot of deadlines after recess week (the bulk of this elective will be completed during recess week), especially to people from NBS or those who are comfortable writing business reports and proposals.

This elective is quite fun but bear in mind the work load is heavy. Requires huge amount of effort from Week 1 to recess week and the project work requires commitment from all group mates as deadline is very tight. It is heavy on the projects